Karamatsu-dake is nestled on the boundary between Toyama and Nagano, Japan. Climbing along Happo Ridge to Karamatsu-dake offers stunning views of the majestic Mount Hakuba range. It’s an undeniably breathtaking landscape that draws hikers and nature enthusiasts from all over Japan.

Hakuba Village

Hakuba Village is home to the largest alpine resort area at the foot of the northern Japan Alps. It is nestled in three municipalities of Nagano Prefecture in Japan: Omachi City, Hakuba Village, and Otari Village.

Getting there

Taking the Happo Gondola ‘Adam’, along with the two lifts, Alpen Quad and Grat Quad, it’ll take you about 20 minutes to reach the trailhead of Happo One with ease. Once you hop off the second lift, you’ll spot the Happo Ike Hut right in front of you. It’s also where you can stay or register your climbing itinerary.

Climbing along Happo Ridge to Karamatsu-dake offers stunning views of the majestic Mount Hakuba range. It’s an undeniably breathtaking landscape that draws hikers and nature enthusiasts from all over Japan.

Happo O’ne Route
Happo Sation, Gondola “Adam” ➡ Alpen Quad ➡ Grat Quad ➡ Happo Ike Hut ➡ Karamats Sanso Hut ➡ Mt.Karamatsu-Dake ➡ Happo Ike Hut ➡ Happo Station (Dismissed), 6 hours.

On January 5th, 2024

On January 5th, 2024, I attempted to hike up Mt. Karamatsu-dake, but the strong gust winds threw a wrench in my plans. I really didn’t want to give up, but with the winds being so relentless, I had no choice but to call it quits. So, here I am, giving it another shot on my second attempt, on March 17th,2024. Wish me luck!